In its advocacy role, the Alliance initiates, promotes, and advocates for policies and initiatives that enable YMCAs to provide programs focused on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility in their communities. As a statewide non-partisan, nonprofit organization, the Alliance is the voice of Indiana’s YMCAs. With that responsibility, and in our work, we strive to uphold the four core YMCA values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.
How we do our work:
- Research and Data: The Alliance tracks and analyzes data to inform our public policies. We also conduct anecdotal research with our Ys regarding how to improve the lives of the children, adults, and families in the communities they serve. This forms the foundation of how we develop our public policy recommendations.
- Partner Collaboration: We work with partners at different coalition tables to collectively raise our voices and advocate for change, while ensuring the needs of the youth, adults, and families we serve informs our efforts.
- Advocacy at Legislative Level: The Alliance educates policymakers of all parties, in the legislature and in the administration, in Indianapolis and in Washington, D.C. - to achieve meaningful policy results.
- Resource: We serve as a reliable, objective resource on policies impacting youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
The Alliance remains flexible enough to address matters when warranted. If you are interested in partnering with the Indiana Alliance of YMCAs on advocacy efforts promoting Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility, please contact Wade Hampton.
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